Soar Like A Falcon!
This 20KG Olympic size barbell will be your fantastic tool to push your strength to the sky!
Made with premium steel coated with hard chrome, it will feel great in your hands to propel you to the limit!
Whether you do Olympic weightlifting, CrossFit lifting or powerlifting, Soaring Falcon will be a great fit in your home gym!

Volcano & Hill Knurling
One of the biggest factors in deciding whether you will like this barbell or not is the knurling type.
There are 3 types in general: Hill, Volcano, and Mountain, with Hill being the smoothest, and the mountain being the toughest.
Volcano sits in between with the tip of the knurling being chopped a bit, thus still providing much friction, but feeling smoother to the palms than Mountain.
On Soaring Falcon, by design, what we offer is this:
In the part where you grip for powerlifting, the knurling is Volcano, giving you enough grip to really train your strength.
And in the part where you grip for Olympic weightlifting or CrossFit lifting, the knurling is hill, making sure that your hands are comfortable.

Dual Knurl Marks
Both knurl marks for Olympic weightlifting (IWF) and powerlifting (IPF) make sure you know exactly where to grip.

1500lb Capacity
So the load limit is 1500 pounds! Load up the plates all you want. You won't break this bar!

Bushing Rotation
The sleeves of the barbell must rotate, to offset the torque generated by your lift.
On Soaring Falcon, the rotation is achieved with bronze bushing, a great mechanism to make sure that the sleeves rotate smoothly and that your wrists or shoulders are comfortable no matter how heavy you are going.

Complete Solutions
Buy our one-stop home gym solutions with our highly popular power rack, Olympic weight bench, and weight plates.
Click to learn details about them:
Power Rack, Olympic Weight Bench, Cast Iron Weight Plates, Bumper Plates